Features overview.

A summary of all that Sokrateque can do for you.


Sokrateque’s Ask feature, finds documents relevant to your question, reads them and extracts multiple answers for you — in seconds.
Ask the web questions
Sokrateque can search the internet for documents relevant to your question and extract answers from them with a link to the source.
Ask Bookshelf questions
Bookshelf is your personal file storage. Sokrateque can search these documents for answers. Integrations with other data sources will come next year.
Ask chat questions (Brainstorm)
Sokrateque has an in-built chat function based on ChatGPT, that generates answers without source.
Ask Follow-up questions.
Later this year, Sokrateque suggests follow-up questions with every answer.  This means you can explore every aspect of a topic with amazing speed.


Click through the answers Sokrateque has found for your question.

Compare multiple answers
Sokrateque usually finds multiple different answer to your question. This gives you different view points, from different sources to compare.
View answers in text context
Check the original paragraph from which the answer was taken.
Cross-check source quality for each answer
When you click the answer or the source indicator on the bottom-right of your screen, the source document will open in your browser. This is not available in Brainstorm, as there is no source for chat generated answers.
Understand reading-time saved
Sokrateque shows the amount of time it would have taken you to read the source documents yourself. It counts the number of words in a document multiplied by the average reading speed of English speaking adults.
Track how many documents Sokrateque reviewed
You can see how many documents were reviewed to find your answers. Not every document contains a good answer.
Rank answers based on confidence score
You can rank answers by clicking the confidence score. The confidence score measures the degree to which the answer found resembles the answers Sokrateque saw in the training set.
Share answers with friends or colleagues
You can send a link so others can access the best answers you found.
Mark favourite answers
You can ‘like’ answers with a star, for future reference.
Copy answers to your clipboard
When you click the copy icon, the answer is copied and you can paste it in another application.
Check and manage your personal question history
All your questions and answered are saved, so you can always see previous answers and even ask follow-up questions on them.
Questions and answers overview
Each question and all its follow-up questions and answers can be found at a single overview page, to review your project.


Bookshelf is your personal file system, so Sokrateque can answer questions from documents you own.
Download web answer sources as pdfs
Under every answer, there is a button to download the source article as a pdf. This is how you quickly expand your library. The pdf will automatically appear in Bookshelf. It will be indexed and searchable within a few minutes.
Drag and drop files in Bookshelf
To start building your Bookshelf, simply drag and drop files or folders in the Bookshelf screen.
Make, move, rename, delete folders or documents
Manage your Bookshelf folders and documents, and organise them the way you want.
Invite others to shared folders or documents
Create shared folders and documents with friends or colleagues. Everyone you invite can add, delete and rename files and ask questions on them.
Ask questions on your folders or documents
You can ask Sokrateque to answer questions from one specific folder or document. Just select it and type your question.
Do text analysis
Select an entire folder or individual document and ask Sokrateque to summarise them, do a sentiment analysis, extract themes and arguments, and much more.
Connect your storage and content subscriptions.
Ask all your organisation’s knowledge questions and tap into the vast wealth of curated content of the world’s most respected editors.
Coming later this year
Start 14-day free trial

Start building bigger ideas.

With its easy workflow and minimalist design, Sokrateque has you up and running from the first click.

Step 1 Build a BookShelf

Simply drop all your important text documents in BookShelf and build shared folders with colleagues. Keeping track of documents suddenly becomes easy.

Step 2: Ask questions

No more scanning through endless numbers of documents or browser tabs. Let Sokrateque read your BookShelf documents or the web at lightning speed.

Step 3: Get answers

Sokrateque returns the insights you need in seconds. Not just hyperlinks, but multiple answers from your own trusted BookShelf documents or the Internet.

Step 4: Share your findings

Compare and validate different answers and share the best with colleagues.

Step 5: Build compelling narratives

Combine your findings into big ideas using visualised "Storymaps": blueprints for your presentation or document, with all your sources embedded. Invite colleagues to help expand them.

Coming in 2024